Chronic Disease Management
At Be Inspired Group we can work with you to gain control over your health issues and improve your independence, knowledge, capacity and confidence to manage your health issues. To help you to take action and control over what you want to achieve in your life, rather than your health issues controlling or limiting you.
Chronic diseases are usually characterised by their persistent and long term nature. In Australia more than 50% of the population have at least 1 chronic disease and 25% have 2 or more chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are the leading burden of ill health, disability and death in Australia.
Depending on the type and severity of chronic diseases they can have a very significant impact on peoples lives. Although chronic diseases are not generally curable and can persist through life, there is often a lot that can be done to minimise symptoms, prevent complications and reduce the impact on a persons quality of life.

If you suffer with chronic diseases like any of the following and they are impacting your independence, lifestyle and well-being, then consider making an appointment to see Amanda our Occupational Therapist.
- Chronic pain
- Diabetes
- Heart failure
- High blood pressure
- Respiratory conditions (eg Asthma, COPD)
- Chronic fatigue
- Parkinson’s disease
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Obesity
- Mental health issues
Chronic Disease Management Services
Be Inspired Group provides individual and group based occupational therapy and coaching services to support people to gain confidence and enable them to take action towards living a healthier, more balanced and meaningful life.
The approach considers that you are the expert in your own life and our role is to support you find the answers within yourself, and to become inspired and motivated by what you want and can achieve. Be Inspired Group can help you to:
- Make sense of what you are going through
- Reduce the impact of your health issues on your life and what you want to do
- Learn strategies for managing symptoms like pain & fatigue
- Improve work/life balance
- Enhance your confidence & self-efficacy
- Build on your strengths and values
- Improve management of stress & anxiety
- Support you to make lifestyle changes (eg to lose weight, quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, improve nutrition & physical activity)
- Enhance social skills & relationships
- Improve independence and safety in daily activities (eg equipment advice and rehabilitation)
- Develop goals and gain direction and purpose
- Develop a plan to help you achieve your goals and overcome barriers getting in the way of what you want